It has been said that farmers don’t grow crops; they create the essential conditions for crops to grow. CultureBrew.Art is a vital tool to break systemic divides, disrupt institutionalized structures, and create conditions under which indigenous and racialized artists – and by extension, the wider Canadian arts ecology – can grow.
Thank you for supporting CultureBrew.Art. We recognize your generosity with the following benefits:
< $500

Seeds represent new beginnings. Possibilities. Though small and perhaps even tiny, without a multiple of Seeds there would be no meadows, no forests. No crops, no food. Without Seeds, the world would be barren. Seeds are the kernels of creation, of life itself.
- Invitations to CBA events
- Receives Social Media – Tags & Mention
$500- $999

Leaves are like magicians, transforming sunlight and air into resources that sustain the whole. Even when the season of their original purpose comes to an end, the contribution of Leaves continue to be generative in laying the groundwork for future growth.
Receives ‘Seeds’ level benefits, plus:- Display opportunities at CBA events
$1,000 - $4,999

Who wouldn’t want to be remembered for bringing sweetness and beauty to the world? Fruit and Flowers, in all of their colourful and glorious diversity, evoke joy and abundance, allowing our work to regenerate and plant seeds of their own.
Receives ‘Leaves’ level benefits, plus:
- Placement of logo/link on CBA website
$5,000 - $24,999

Branches, with their limber gracefulness, allow us to not only reach out to our multiple communities, but reach beyond to the very stars. With the strength of their structural support, Branches are the circulatory system that keep the heart of our work alive.
Receives ‘Fruit & Flowers’ level benefits, plus:
- Placement of logo on CBA printed promotional material
$25,000 - $99,999

With their magnificent height and reliable sturdiness, Trunks give our work its shape and form. And with their resilient bark forming a protective layer around the living core, Trunks shield us from the unexpected, providing stability, structure, and strength.
Receives ‘Branches’ level benefits plus:
- Social Media boosted posts by CBA
$100,000 +

Roots provide critical nourishment from which all growth is made possible. Roots are essential: a powerful root system allows us to not only sustain and manage our resources, but to flourish, evolve, and support the entire arts ecosystem.
Receives ‘Trunks’ level benefits, plus:
- Opportunities to speak at CBA events;
- Company banner displayed at CBA events
- Verbal acknowledgement at CBA events