Connected Currents: How it's Going (Session 2)

Company/Organization/Producer Name
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres
Submission Deadline or Event End Date
Following up on the first session in January, Connected Currents: How It's Going, will feature a Q&A with guest speakers Michelle Yagi (NAC) and Bianca GuimarĂ£es de Manuel (Generator), who will discuss navigating sectoral change and working within inherited structures and will be followed by a group discussion.
The initiative will also continue a pen pal program, established in the first session!
Any IBPOC administrator who identifies as emerging or mid-career is welcome to attend.
Registration is free!
For more information, visit:
Contact Name
Nathaniel Hanula-James
Contact Email Address
Priority Groups
Open to all
Opportunity Type
Professional Development (workshops, courses, conferences)
Location Category